I can’t seem to turn it off
The Deals Off
The need to do things with your hands
I need to do things with my hands. I need manual work. Manual fucking labour. To build. To produce. To see a physical result for my work and know it is of use and will help someone. This is not helping.
Lies By The Sea
Christmas is shit
Christmas double A side, free download and all that junk: Christmas Is/ Christmas On The Breadline by Lies and Stuff
Labour the Point
Song we wrote and recorded at the weekend. Labour The Point by Chris Hockney
The Choice Was Made
The Choice was made by Chris Hockney
Lies and Stuff – Firework
Firework by Lies and Stuff
God Owes Me Money – Part 2
Track recorded after rubbish day at work. Slip Off Track by Lies and Stuff
Why are you?