Category: Stuff
So, it all comes back now…awakening at 6.30am in January darkness with a red wine hangover, your mother entering your room. ‘He seems to be in a lot of pain. He’s shouting a lot’. I, of course, irritably dismiss these concerns. I roll over and address the pillow directly. ‘Just give him another dose of…
By Oxygen and James.
The Rumour of Blood
No matter how much you love someone, you will burn every piece of clothing stained with their blood.
I’ll laugh like this matters, you’ll cry like I care
You can’t string that girl along, you can’t drag her in with maybes, she can’t rest her dreams on your hesitance, she needs you to be more than this.
Night terrors and premonitions of death
I’ve had one night terror and it’s forever burnt into the fabric of my memory. The dream started (or at least this is where my memory kicks in) with me, my father, my step mum and my fathers neighbours walking across what I guess you’d describe as an ice plate in what looks like the…
Heavy Silence E.P
01 Heavy Silence by Chris Hockney 02 Writing’s On The Wall by Chris Hockney 03 Fuck. Yeah. by Chris Hockney
The Antithesis of Hope
09 The Antithesis Of Hope by Chris Hockney Oxygen does nice singing and playing on some drums. Chris does the other bits.